Take your pick to suit your business. You can use any or all of the Quanta5 capabilities to streamline your debtor management process.
Use this guide to get an answer fast.
A credit report provides information on a debtor’s credit history. It allows us to make informed decisions regarding their creditworthiness.
Our range of reports includes: statutory and company information, director information, judgements and defaults, property information, trade references, bank codes and financial information.
Quanta5 links to multiple information sources so that the information we provide is accurate and verified.
Yes, you will need to sign a contract.
We offer various types of credit reports, from on-file reports (available immediately), to in-depth, comprehensively investigated reports which can take up to 7 working days.
Through our international network of information providers, we can source credit information on entities across the world. Just ask us for a quote.
Yes, our consumer reports are designed to provide information on individuals.
The Quanta5 system will deliver the report to you by email. Your report will also be stored on the Quanta5 system for easy retrieval.
No, but we can assist with credit insurance.
Yes. Our watchlist product actively monitors a debtor for changes in their risk profile and will automatically send you an email alert whenever there is a trigger event.
Yes, it does, but we’ve worked with our service providers to provide you with alternative options.
A bank code is a code assigned by a Central Bank, a Bank Supervisory Body or a Bankers Association in a country to all its licensed member banks or financial institutions. The term “bank code” is sometimes (inappropriately) used by merchants to refer to the Card Security Code printed on a credit card.
In terms of the POPI Act, a consumer must give their consent before you request a credit report.
Our collections team can engage with delinquent debtors to pursue outstanding debt.
According to the National Credit Act (Act 34 of 2005), if you were blacklisted and have paid the debt for which you were listed, you may apply to the credit bureau where you were listed to have the blacklisting removed/cancelled.
A registered director, a member of a company who can provide you with a resolution signed by the board of directors, a partner or a member of a CC.
No. There are several e-signature laws across the world (such as ESIGN and UETA) that define a legally binding signature.
Electronic signatures are legally binding and will hold up in court, so long as they can be authenticated. Quanta5 uses QuicklySign for authentication. QuicklySign is 100% legally binding under the 2002 Electronic Communications and Transactions Act of South Africa. Your documents are protected by secure server infrastructure hosted at a state-of-the-art SSAE-16 certified data centre.
There are however certain documents that should only be signed by an advanced electronic signature when contracting electronically (e.g. suretyship agreements, franchise agreements and documents to be signed by a commissioner of oaths).
An accredited authentication provider is required for the creation of an advanced electronic signature. You can find a list of accredited providers here.